Open Access Policy

1.  The National Defence University of Malaysia (NDUM) is firmly committed to ensuring the broadest possible access to its research and maintaining the ability for researchers to publish in the venue best suited to provide effective communication of research results.  Making research outputs more readily available to read and share increases the potential for community engagement, citation, reuse and impact.

2.  Open access (OA) refers to research outputs that can be freely accessed by anyone in the world via the internet so that they can be used without licensing restrictions for research, teaching or other purposes.  Scholarly norms, including proper attribution, apply. 

3.  This statement is designed as an enabling mechanism, supporting good research practice and benefitting authors and readers.  This journal then provides immediate access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

4.  Materials in the scope of this statement include original journal articles and review articles (including invited and commissioned) published in this journal.

5.  This statement confirms copyright ownership in adherence to CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license as described under Creative Commons.